Am's birthday is coming up at the end of January so I guess that'll be the next big thing. Also the Chinese New Year falls right next to her birthday as well. We'll be celebrating it "properly" according to D by heading to his parents this year. He still shakes his head over my tale of celebrating Am's first Chinese New Year with fortune cookies, pocky, and anime.
Hmm... I suppose I could also talk about a few of my new years resolutions- lose weight, drink water, eat more homemade food, less caffeine & candy, declutter, and simplify my life. Heck, maybe that can be the theme for the month: Renewal.
When I started out writing this post I had no idea that I actually, well... had ideas. However, it IS 1:17 am and the bed sounds pretty heavenly right about now. So, here are some of this year's X-mas pic attempts that DIDN'T make the cut, in all of their (mostly) unedited glory....
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